3 Quotes & Sayings By Peter Frederick Strawson

Peter Frederick Strawson was a British philosopher and a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. He is best known for his work in the philosophy of naturalism and metaphysics. His most influential work is his book The Bounds of Sense (1950) which introduced a new theory of meaning. He was a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, from 1946 to 1957, during which time he was also employed by the BBC as a lecturer on philosophy.

It remains to mention some of the ways in which people have spoken misleadingly of logical form. One of the commonest of these is to talk of 'the logical form' of a statement; as if a statement could never have more than one kind of formal power; as if statements could, in respect of their formal powers, be grouped in mutually exclusive classes, like animals at a zoo in respect of their species. But to say that a statement is of some one logical form is simply to point to a certain general class of, e.g., valid inferences, in which the statement can play a certain role. It is not to exclude the possibility of there being other general classes of valid inferences in which the statement can play a certain role. Peter Frederick Strawson
If someone treads on my hand accidentally, while trying to help me, the pain may be no less acute than if he treads on it in contemptuous disregard of my existence or with a malevolent wish to injure me. But I shall generally feel in the second case a kind and degree of resentment that I shall not feel in the first. If someone's actions help me to some benefit I desire, then I am benefited in any case; but if he intended them so to benefit me because of his general goodwill towards me, I shall reasonably feel a gratitude which I should not feel at all if the benefit was an accidental consequence unintended or even regretted by him, of some plan of action with a different aim. Peter Frederick Strawson